• Summer Jack 2019

Pedestrians get to take back the street and relive the vibrant atmosphere of yesteryear at the music-inspired street festival SUMMER JACK. Artists from around Teshikaga area perform on a large stage in the downtown shopping district, and the street is lined with stalls selling an authentic variety of goods and delicacies especially for the occasion.
To complete this Pedestrian’s Paradise, tables and chairs are set up for shoppers to sit at their leisure and soak in the pleasant atmosphere, children are invited to draw colorful chalk pictures on the street, and young children can even take part in a mini-bike race.

<Event Details>
■When:Early August
■Entry Fee: Free
■Location : Downtown Teshikaga, Chuo-dori shopping district
■Facebook Page :
■Enquiries:SUMMER JACK Executive Committee


  1. Restaurant Makiba(レストラン牧場)

  2. Restaurant Ezo(食事処 蝦夷)

  3. Izuminoyu(泉の湯)

  4. Lake Mashu Youth Hostel(摩周湖ユースホステル)

  5. Onsenminsyuku New Hatoya(Guest house)(温泉民宿 ニューはとや)

  6. Mashu and Kussharo 100km Long Walk♪Event (July)(100km歩こうよ♪大会 in 摩周・屈斜路)

Teshikaga Live Camera
