Kawayu JR Station Public Foot Bath(JR川湯温泉駅の足湯)

A unique foot bath in the center of town

Situated yards from the platform, travelers waiting for buses and trains can relax in this sheltered annex, adjacent to the charmingly classical Kawayu JR Station building. The foot bath is also popular with visitors who come to shop and dine in the nearby restaurants and variety stores, and in winter the room provides a warming respite from the cold wind and snow. Log benches, a log table, and floor heating provide perfect comfort for the traveler to soak their weary feet. However, be careful not to get too comfy or lost in thought – the station has no guards or announcements, so don’t miss your train!

~Information on use~
・Wipe your feet with a towel before use
・Bring a small towel and bath towel with you
・Do not use any bathing products such as soap. etc.

Hot spring categorization Acidic hydrogen sulfide spring, acidic sulfuric spring


  1. Maruhachi: Ramen・Grill(ラーメン・炭火焼・炉ばた まるはち)

  2. Mashu JR Station Poppo-yu(JR摩周駅ぽっぽ湯)

  3. Genpei Country House(いなか家 源平)

  4. Kitagunikaranookurimono Corporation Kitaguni Travel Division (北国からの贈り物株式会社 北国トラベル事業部)

  5. Kotan Communal Bath(コタン共同浴場)

  6. Kussharoko Monogatari Marukibune Guest house(屈斜路湖物語 丸木舟)

Teshikaga Live Camera
